Benjamin Witcher -b- 1788, who died September, 1859
Sarah McElroy, wife of Benjamin Witcher
Very early Georgia records indicate on September 10, 1807, Benjamin Witcher and Sarah “McKleroy” were married in Elbert County. I feel certain this Benjamin Witcher was the son of Ephraim and Betsey (Fips) Witcher, he being the Benjamin listed in his father’s Surry County, North Carolina will. The purpose of this essay is to present evidence supporting this belief.
Census records as well as an 1860 mortality schedule indicate Benjamin Witcher was born in Virginia, about 1788. He died in September, 1859, after a yearlong battle with rheumatism.
I have not located records which specifically identify the children of Benjamin and Sarah. However, careful review of available documents indicate his children were probably Ambrose Witcher, (b. ca. 1808, d. November 3, 1884), Charles T Witcher, (b. January 15, 1813, in Georgia, d. January 1, 1892), Ephraim Witcher, (b. ca. 1817), and Benjamin W. Witcher, (b. ca. 1819).
From pre-1850 census records, I am confident Benjamin and Sarah had daughters. However, while some have published names (such as Pellatiah, Elizabeth, and infant Sarah), I have chosen not to list them as children, as I have not found evidence supporting such claims. I do welcome any information and will accordingly amend this essay.
Before I move beyond the children of Benjamin and Sarah Witcher, I would like to discuss a few points about their son Ambrose Witcher. First, he was surely named after Benjamin’s brother, Ambrose Witcher, a man who died childless and whose name is found in very early Elbert County (1806-1807), Georgia records.
Ambrose Witcher (the son of Benjamin and Sarah) raised children who became very prominent individuals in the early development of Georgia. Click here to see probate records for Ambrose Witcher, a grandson of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher. (You will need an account with
One of Ambrose’s sons, Charles McElroy Witcher, was elected as a Georgia State Representative in 1886-1887 and was a State Senator for the Thirteenth District in 1890-1891. Obviously the middle name “McElroy” was after his mother’s maiden name. “CM” Witcher apparently enlisted in Captain Tiller’s Company in Lexington, Georgia (Oglethorpe County) on March 4, 1862. By the end of the war he was a corporal and had suffered being imprisoned by Union troops. Then contemporary newspapers for the Oglethorpe County region published some very interesting stories relating to this man’s Civil War exploits.
Another child of Ambrose Witcher was William Thomas (W.T.) Witcher. This man has captured my imagination and sympathy, as he was an influential merchant, farmer, and civic-minded citizen who suffered several well-publicized tragedies. In one horrible accident, W.T.’s son, Wallace, was in an oak tree with other children when he fell thirty feet onto his head. He was horribly maimed and quickly died. This accident happened October 29, 1899. Apparently continual sorrow haunted W.T. Witcher, as around 10 o’clock in the evening of May 8, 1902, William T shot himself in the head in a Greenwood, South Carolina hotel. His death devastated the community.
By at least 1807, Benjamin Witcher had apparently migrated away from his father’s plantation on the banks of the Mitchell River in Surry County, North Carolina. We know this because Elbert County, Georgia records indicate Benjamin Witcher and Sarah “McKleroy” was married September 10, 1807. We also know from early record books the McElroy family was a prominent clan in those early days of Elbert County. Click here to read more about Benjamin’s parents, Ephraim and Betsey (Fips) Witcher.
As we will soon discuss, in 1811, Madison County, Georgia, was formed from part of Elbert County. It appears the Elbert/Madison County region of Georgia was the original entry point for the Witchers of North Carolina and Virginia.
The first of Madison County’s records indicate there were two Benjamin Witchers living in the area during the county’s early years. One was the son of Betsey and Ephraim Witcher, the other almost certainly a son of John and Susannah Witcher of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. John’s son, Benjamin Witcher, is thought to have been born around 1793, and as such, would have been too young to marry Sarah McElroy in 1807. Click here to read about John and Suzanna Witcher.
We know with certainty John and Susannah Witcher had another son who migrated to Madison County by 1819. In a power of attorney dated July 27, 1819, John authorized his “son” James Witcher, “of the county of Madison and state of Georgia,” to recover a slave lent to his daughter Tempy, who had married James Witcher, “son of Ephraim.” By 1819, Tempy and James Witcher were probably living a few miles to the south-east of Madison County, in Morgan County, Georgia. My point is that by 1819 we know James Witcher (son of John and Suzannah) was residing in early Madison County among children of Eprhaim and Betsey Witcher. Also, John and Suzannah had two daughters (Tempy and Polly) who had followed their husbands to N.E. Georgia. Therefore it’s no stretch to conclude Madison County’s Benjamin Witcher, Jr., was the second son of John and Suzannah Witcher. To read more about Benjamin Witcher, Jr., click here.
James and John Witcher, the brothers of Benjamin Witcher, “senior,” (son of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher) had apparently followed Benjamin into the Georgia frontier. His other brother, Ambrose, and brother-in-laws Asa Prior and Diskin Haynie, are also listed in various ways within Elbert County records, by as early as 1805.
We know with certainty Ephraim and Betsey Witcher had a son named Ambrose, as Ephraim’s estate records list him as a son who died “childless.” The name Ambrose Witcher is found in several 1805-1807, Elbert County records. One record, dated December 16, 1811, indicates Benjamin Witcher of Elbert County had land relinquished to him by Alexander Cunningham, who at that time lived in Mississippi “territory.” That deed was witnessed by Benjamin’s brother, “Ambrose Witcher.”
Recall that Madison County was formed out of Elbert County in 1811. In a Madison County deed between James Hodge and James Griffith, dated August 19, 1823, we know that John Witcher owned land on the waters of the Broad River. This John Witcher is certainly another of Benjamin’s older brothers. Click here to read about this John Witcher.
Regarding two of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher’s daughters, we know one married a Haynie and another married into the Prior family. Tabitha Witcher married Diskin Haynie, and Sarah (Sally) Witcher married Asa Prior. The Haynie and Prior clans must’ve been fairly prominent in early Elbert County, as the county’s early record books are populated with both surnames. Asa Prior and Diskin Haynie are found in Elbert County records, dating from 1805 through 1807. Click here to read about Asa Prior who married Sarah Witcher.
As we will discuss later, it appears some of Benjamin’s relatives from his mother’s side had also migrated into Elbert County. Men such as Lewis, Caleb, and John Phipps appear in early Elbert and Madison County records. In fact, in the early 1820s, John Phipps was listed as a defendant in several civil lawsuits regarding both Benjamin Witcher junior and senior. Benjamin Witcher’s mother (Betsey) was born to Tabitha and John Fips. To read more about Benjamin’ grandparents named Tabitha and John Fips, click here.
An entry dated February 25, 1811, indicates Benjamin Witcher was involved in the appraisal of the estate of William Moon, whose land was located on the Broad River in Elbert County. On the same day the county’s will book has another entry for Benjamin Witcher, which indicates he was paid for services as a “school-master.” This record is very significant, because future records will also denote Benjamin Witcher was a teacher, of course indicating the records are probably referring to the same individual.
In December of 1811, land from Clarke, Franklin, Jackson, Oglethorpe, and Elbert County, Georgia, was used to form Madison County. The new county seat was determined to be Danielsville. After the creation of Madison County (after 1812), I’ve not located a record for Benjamin Witcher within Elbert County records. It appears Benjamin was located upon Elbert County real estate which, after 1811, became part of Madison County.
Due to his age, I assume this Benjamin Witcher to be the individual who served as an ensign in the First Regiment of the Georgia Militia, 43rd Battalion, during the War of 1812. He also was probably the individual who was listed as a major in the Madison County Militia in 1812. It’s interesting to note that Benjamin’s brother, Ephraim Witcher, was a soldier in the War of 1812, serving in the Wilkes County, North Carolina, Ninth Brigade. Though I suppose it could have been Benjamin’s father (Ephraim Witcher, Sr.) who served in that brigade, due to his advanced age, I suspect it was Benjamin’s brother. Click here to read more about Ephraim Witcher junior and senior.
According to the 1820 federal census, Benjamin Witcher was then living in Madison County, Georgia. He was in possession of eight slaves.
Early Madison County tax records indicate Benjamin Witcher owned land in that county as of 1817. Tax records for 1817 through 1822 indicate he owned up to eight slaves (eight slaves in 1820 and 1822). However, the 1824 Madison County tax records indicate Benjamin Witcher owned zero slaves. The 1824 tax record is stark evidence of the financial ruin this household apparently endured in the early 1820s.
We can know from a flurry of publications in The Missionary newspaper, in 1823 and 1824, that Benjamin Witcher was in big financial trouble. According to those publications, he was suffering many rounds of asset seizures, including the confiscation of at least six slaves. Those properties were being sold at various sheriff sales, hosted by Madison County’s sheriff, William L. Griffith. I wish not to digress, but I must point out that the Griffiths are known to have intermarried with the Witchers of Smith County, Tennessee. Click here to read about the family connection between the Griffiths and the Witchers.
One day I hope to locate court papers relating to the civil trials which were held in the Justice and Superior Courts, but until those court documents are located, we can only view glimpses of these lawsuits from the faded pages of The Missionary newspaper. I will note my belief that Benjamin Witcher, the son of Ephraim Witcher, is variously listed in these newspaper notifications as both “Benjamin Witcher, Sen.” and “Benjamin Witcher,” while the younger Benjamin Witcher (son of John and Susannah) is listed as “Benjamin Witcher, jr.”
For your convenience I have transcribed these newspaper notifications. For the sake of brevity, I will abstain from delving into the complex yet interesting nuances, save for one article dated July 20, 1824, which listed a certain slave named “Allen.”
First, in January, 1823, this notification was published in The Missionary newspaper. “Will be sold at the courthouse in Madison County, on the first Tuesday in March next…. Two hundred acres of land, more or less, adjoining James Eberheart and others, on the waters of North Broad River, well improved, and one Jersey Wagon and harness, all taken as property of Benjamin Witcher, Sen. to safisfy two executions, one in favor of F. & R. Jordon against said Witcher and John Wood, one other in favor of Elisha Strong against said Witcher and Benjamin Witcher, Jr. and John Phipps, security on stay of execution. Property pointed out by defendant.”
March 12, 1823. “Also—Three negros; Mary, about 30 years of age, Ginney, 4 years old, and Louisa, 15 or 16 months old, all levied on as the property of Benjamin Witcher by virtue of sundry executions from a Justices Court vs said Witcher—levied on and returned to me by John Russell, Constable. Also, levied on the same negros by virtue of two Fi Fas from the Superior Court, Elisha Strong vs Benjamin Witcher and Benjamin Witcher, Jun. and John Phipps and F. and R. Jordon vs Benjamin Witcher and John Woods, John Phipps and Benjamin Witcher, Jun. Conditions cash” Wm L Griffith, shff.
May 16, 1823. “Sheriff sale at the courthouse in Madison County, on the first Tuesday of July next…. One negro girl by the name Olive, about 11 or 12 years old, taken as the property of Benjamin Witcher, by virtue of sundry executions, Moore and Galispie and others Plantiffs vs Benjamin Witcher, issued from the Superior Court: also sundry executions issued from the Justices Court vs. said Benjamin Witcher, and levied and returned to me by John Russell, constable.” William L Griffith, shff.”
July 18, 1823. “On first Tuesday in September next, will be sold at Danielsville, Madison County…. One sorrel mare about twelve years old, taken as property of Benjamin Witcher, to satisfy an execution in favor of Isaac A Parker for the use of William C Parker vs said Witcher. Property found in possession of Heuson Carington.” William L Griffith, shff.”
October, 1823. “On the first Tuesday in December next….In Madison County….All interest which Benjamin Witcher, Jun. has to one negro boy by the name of Lewis, about fifteen years of age, by virtue of an Executor, Isaac A Parker, for the use of William C Parker vs Benjamin Witcher, Jun., Pointed out by Isaac A. Parker.”
January 16, 1824. “On the first Tuesday in March next, at the courthouse in Madison County….950 pounds of seed cotton, taken as the property of Benjamin Witcher jr. by virtue of sundry executions Isaac A Parker for the use of William C Parker vs Benjamin Witcher jr. and others vs. said Witcher—pointed out by defendant. Conditions cash William L Griffith, shff.”
March 26, 1824, in Madison County, “One negro boy named George, nine or ten years old, taken as property of John Patton, to satisfy a Fi Fas in favor of Edward Cox against Benjamin Witcher and John Patton. Property pointed out by John Patton.
June 18, 1824, in Madison County, “One grey mare, taken as the property of Benjamin Witcher, Jun. to satisfy a Fi Fas in favor of Vincent Witcher, for the use of Francis P Eberhart, executor, and Lucy David, executrix of William David, deceased.” I assume Vincent Witcher is either the son or grandson of William Witcher, Jr., of Pittsylvania County, Virginia. At this time, I have no idea why Vincent Witcher is listed in this Madison County, Georgia record, but it will be a very interesting point to research.
Finally, on July 20, 1824, Sheriff William L Griffith notified the public of his intention to sell a slave named Allen, whom Sheriff Griffith stated was the property of Benjamin Witcher.
Before we review the July 20, 1824, notification, I want to point out when Benjamin Witcher’s father died in Surry County, North Carolina, Benjamin was one of the children who Ephraim referred to in his will. In that will, written November of 1819, and proved in early 1820, Ephraim Witcher stated, “...and whereas my son Benjamin Witcher has a negro boy in his hands that belongs to my estate named Allen my will is that he keep him but he is to give six hundred dollars out of his part of the estate….” For more about the estate of Ephraim Witcher, click here.
From Ephraim’s will, we know that as of 1819, Benjamin Witcher had in his possession a slave name Allen. I feel it’s significant that five years later, a twenty-three year old slave named Allen, who was owned by Benjamin Witcher of Madison County, Georgia, was seized by Sheriff Griffith, to be subsequently sold at auction.
Here is a transcript of that publication in The Missionary newspaper. “On the first Tuesday in August next, will be sold at the courthouse door in the town of Covington, Newton County [Georgia], within the usual hours of sale, the following property to wit: One Negro man by the name of Allen, twenty three years old, taken as the property of Benjamin Witcher to satisfy sundry Fi Fas against said Witcher; property pointed out by William L Griffith, July 20, 1824.
The fact that Allen was sold in Newton County, Georgia is very significant because Benjamin’s brothers, John and James Witcher, lived in Newton County at that time. For reference, the then newly formed Newton County is located a few miles to the southwest of Madison County.
In the 1820 federal census, James and John Witcher were enumerated in Morgan County. After the 1820 census was taken, in 1821, Newton County was created from Morgan County. James and John Witcher were subsequently listed in Newton County in the 1830 federal census, probably because they were residing on annexed real estate. To read more about Benjamin’s brothers, James and John Witcher, click here and here.
To further substantiate that James Witcher (Benjamin’s brother) lived in Newton County as of 1823, I will refer to a Newton County mortgage between Benjamin’s brother-in-law, Asa Prior, and Benjamin’s brother, James Witcher. That mortgage (dated March 8, 1823) indicated James Witcher was living in Newton County as of 1823, just a little over one year before the court action to sell Benjamin’s slave on the steps of that county’s courthouse. From this revealing record, we discover that James Witcher was mortgaging his portion of his father, Ephraim Witcher’s estate. In other words, from that record we know for sure James Witcher of Newton County was a son of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher, and therefore a brother of Benjamin Witcher.
My suspicion is that Benjamin Witcher (in an attempt to avoid seizure of his remaining assets) had relocated Allen out of Madison County and into his brother’s possession. However, one could notice Newton County had several men named Griffith listed in its records, and it seems probable the sheriff of Madison County, William L Griffith, was tipped off by one of his Newton County relatives.
Several other Madison County records indicate the presence of both Benjamin Witchers in the early 1820s.
For example, in one Madison County deed record, dated February 12, 1821, Islam T Hogan of Morgan County, Georgia, sells to John Wood of Madison County, for $600, a tract of land in Madison County….Signed John T Hogan, and witnessed by Wm Luker, Benjamin Witcher, Sr., and Benjamin Witcher. Proved by Benjamin Witcher, Jr., May 4, 1822. Francis P Eberhart, JP.
There are other court documents indicating the presence of both Benjamin Witchers in early Madison County, but to avoid redundancy, I will not list those instances.
Before I move on, I would again like to point out the connection between the Phipps and Witcher families in early Elbert/Madison County. It appears highly likely that family members of Ephraim Witcher’s wife, Betsey (Fips) Witcher, had migrated to Elbert County with Ephraim and Betsey’s children, thus the appearance of John Phipps in the newspaper publications with both Benjamin Witchers. While Lewis and Caleb Phipps can be found in early Elbert County records, John Phipps is often seen in the first records of Madison County. Examples of these records are found in the years 1820 through 1825. In one 1820 record, Nathan Williford authorizes his “trusty friend” John Phipps to sell land in Pulaski County. Elbert County is also mentioned in this court document. The identity of this John Phipps is yet to be determined, but my expectations are that he was a close relative to Betsey (Fips) Witcher of Surry County, North Carolina.
After the financial disasters of the early 1820s, I suspect there may have been problems within Benjamin Witcher’s household. He is not located in the 1830 federal census records for Madison County, Georgia. However, indications are that his wife and children appear in that county’s 1830 census. Ambrose Witcher (b. between 1800 and 1810) is listed as the head of the Witcher household. That 1830 census reveals that one white female (b. between 1780 and 1790) was living in the home, and I presume this to be Sarah, the wife of Benjamin Witcher. Unlike the 1820 census, the 1830 census indicates the Witcher household owned no slaves. This seems to validate the seizure and sale of Benjamin’s slaves in 1823 and 1824.
I believe that Benjamin Witcher (son of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher) had located to Fayette County, Georgia, sometime after the resolution of his lawsuits. While Benjamin is not found listed in the 1830 federal census for Morgan County, around this period a Benjamin Witcher was listed in the Fayette County tax rolls. For example, in 1826 he is noted as living in Captain John Garrison’s District, #549. The county “Appling” is written next to his name. One might assume Benjamin was then residing in Appling County, Georgia when that year’s tax list was written, though I have found no evidence supporting this theory. Other records indicate the presence of Benjamin Witcher in Fayette County, Georgia, including an 1834 land lottery list which notes a Benjamin Witcher, who was then residing in “Gittin’s Militia District.
Also, a Fayette County, Georgia, Inventory and Appraisement record indicates Benjamin Witcher owed money in that county in the early 1830s. The estate of Nathanial Blanchard listed Benjamin Witcher (in at least one journal entry) as owing to the estate $1. The date of this debt was for the year 1834.
Also of interest is the fact that a certain Richard Phipps is in the same estate records for Fayette County. An 1828 deed signed by Moses Mills in Elbert County, Georgia was witnessed by Richard Phipps. Family researchers note that Richard Phipps had married a woman named Martha Clairborne Mills. It very much appears to me that Richard Phipps of Fayette County and Richard Phipps of Elbert County are the same individual, and as such, was probably a relation of Benjamin’s mother, Betsey (Fips) Witcher. Click here to see probate records for Richard Phipps. (You will need an account at to access this link)
The 1840 federal census record indicates Benjamin Witcher was residing alone in Fayette County, he being a white male, born between 1780 and 1790. The index for this census (as interpreted by indicates this man was employed as a professional, at one school, in charge of forty-eight students. You may recall the 1811, Elbert County record, which indicated Benjamin Witcher was paid for his services as a “school-master.”
However, from a contract dated December 14, 1841, we can know for certain the Benjamin Witcher of Fayette County, Georgia was the son of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher. In that agreement, for $127.60, Benjamin Witcher, “of the county of Fayette,” sells all rights and interests to the estate of his father, Ephraim Witcher of Surry County, North Carolina to Milton H. Haynie, a man who was the executor of the estate of Diskin Haynie. Many believe Milton H. Haynie was the son of Diskin Haynie. If this is correct, then Milton H. Haynie was Benjamin Witcher’s nephew.
If in the 1830s Benjamin Witcher was exiled to Fayette County, I therefore wonder if it was his young son, Benjamin W Witcher, who gave a toast in 1836 to the “Oglethorpe Volunteers” for their victories in the Creek and Seminole War. Oglethorpe County is next to both Elbert and Madison County, Georgia.
A newspaper called The Southern Recorder published a series of articles on Tuesday, August 23, 1836, relating to recent war news and the removal of the Creek Indians. On page two of that edition, the following rehearsal of events is presented. “Honor to the Oglethorpe Volunteeres. A public barbecue was given by the citizens of Hardmans’s district on the 10th inst, in complement of the Oglethorpe Volunteers. A large assembly of both sexes partook of the festivities of the occasion. Before dinner an address was delivered to the company by James Coyle, one of the volunteers. After the cloth was removed, the following sentiments were given….” It was then that various individuals offered pithy remarks and toasts relating to the recent victories over the local Indian tribes. One of the toasts offered that day was by Benjamin Witcher.
“By Benjamin Witcher. A health to the volunteers, and a lasting peace. May the Creek Indians be extinguished and wealth increased. Let us drink while we have breath, for there’s no drinking after death.”
This sentiment was certainly delivered by one of three Benjamin Witchers. It may have been the forty-eight year old warrior husband of Sarah (McElroy)Witcher who was visiting that day from Fayette County. The toast could have been offered by Benjamin and Sarah’s eighteen year old son, Benjamin W Witcher, or the toast may well have been recited by the son of John and Suzannah Witcher. Recall that John and Suzannah Witcher’s son, Benjamin Witcher, was also living in the Oglethorpe County region of Georgia. Whoever it was, on that day the deep resentment toward the indigenous population was made evident by the citizens of Oglethorpe County! A copy of that day’s paper can be located by a search. Witcher's toast is found toward the bottom, in the second column from the left.
On August 30, 1849, Milton H. Haynie requested the estate of Ephraim Witcher to release Benjamin Witcher’s share of that estate to Milton H. Haynie. “Sir you will please to pay William J Witcher the amount of three hundred and eight dollars which amount is due me from the estate of Ephraim Witcher Desd. As Benjamin Witchers part of said estate and this shall be your receipt for the same signed in the presence of Danl. C. Roberts Milton H. Haynie.” This money was received on January 8, 1850, by William J. Witcher, the younger brother of Benjamin Witcher. I presume the $308 dollars was then given to Milton H. Haynie, thus resulting in a profit of over $180 dollars on his 1841 buyout of Benjamin’s part in his father’s estate.
Apparently Benjamin moved from Fayette County to Heard County, Georgia sometime in the 1840s. The 1850, Heard County federal census lists a Benjamin Witcher, whose occupation was a schoolteacher, who was born in Virginia around 1788. This Benjamin was living in the same household as Benjamin W. Witcher (b. ca. 1819, in Georgia) and Sarah Witcher (b. ca. 1829, in Georgia). I presume Benjamin W. Witcher to be one of Benjamin’s sons, and thus in 1850 he was living in his son’s home.
I will pass this opportunity to profile Benjamin W. Witcher, but census and tax records seem to indicate a close relationship between the family of Benjamin Madison Witcher (b. 1812) and Benjamin W Witcher. I will elaborate this one point just a few paragraphs down.
A citation in Charles Witcher’s book, The Witchers of Georgia, indicates the author received a letter from Ambrose Witcher’s great-grandson, who wrote that the “family Bible” notes the date of Benjamin Witcher’s death as 1859.
The family Bible’s date of death for Benjamin Witcher corresponds with a U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedule for the year 1860. The list within this census indicates that Benjamin Witcher had been sick for 365 days and had died from rheumatism at age 72 [thus indicating this Benjamin was born about 1788]. The record also indicates this man was born in Virginia, and was by occupation a “teacher.” This is the fourth record since 1811 which identified Benjamin as a teacher. The mortality schedule also indicates Benjamin Witcher died in “Sept.” In order to accurately interpret this census data, attention must be paid to the census header, “Persons who Died during the Year ending 1st June, in…. County of Oglethorpe State of Georgia….” Since the year ended June 1, 1860, it must be concluded that Benjamin died in September of 1859. This would explain why a 72 year old Benjamin Witcher is not listed in the 1860 Oglethorpe County federal census.
My belief is that Benjamin Witcher, son of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher, lived out his last days in the home of his son Ambrose Witcher, the old man dying among his friends and family in Oglethorpe County, Georgia.
I possess a copy of a letter written to the Governor of Georgia by my great-great grandfather, a man named Benjamin Madison Witcher. This individual wrote the letter in an attempt to illuminate the plight of Confederate soldiers and the bad treatment they were receiving by the hands of their superiors. When I first read my gg-grandfather’s letter, I was amazed at the letter’s syntax and construct, as well as the artistic cursive used in that Civil War correspondence. I remember then wondering who taught this man how to communicate and write so eloquently. Now after discovering how probable it is that Benjamin Witcher once lived in close proximity to my gg-grandfather, I cannot help but wonder if the letter written to Governor Brown was partly the result of training offered by my ggg grand-uncle, Benjamin Witcher, the school-master. It is something to ponder. Click here to read a copy of Benjamin Madison Witcher’s letter.
I have included some images pertaining to this essay in the photo gallery on this page.
I would very much appreciate hearing from any of Benjamin Witcher’s descendants, especially if you are the individual who possesses Ambrose Witcher’s family Bible.
You may contact me by clicking here.
Written by Wayne Witcher, 4X grandson of Ephraim and Betsey Witcher.
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